
Čuvarkuća (Sempervivum tectorum L.) is a succulent decorative plant, known for its resistance and easy cultivation. It is a wild plant, which grows in rocky areas and can grow up to 60 cm in height, and often grows on the roofs of houses, as it tolerates different temperatures and drought very well.

The leaves form a rosette, which is made of thick, narrowed and pointed leaves at the top. It blooms in July and August, and the ideal time to harvest the leaves is from March to October.

The leaves that are harvested for medicinal purposes are best harvested while they are young and fresh. They are rich in tannins, which effectively treat various inflammatory diseases. In cooking, it is most often used as an addition to salads and stews, while it gives freshness and a slightly sour taste to fruit and vegetable juices. It is often used to alleviate digestive problems, and is also an integral part of many preparations for skin care, relief of burns and insect bites.

Price in EUR:

Styrofoam container with 60 holes: 0.50
Styrofoam container with 160 holes: 0.15
FI10: 1.50
FI14: 3.00

Price in HRK:

Styrofoam container with 60 holes: 3.77
Styrofoam container with 160 holes: 1.13
FI10: 11.30
FI14: 22.60

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